Let me tell you a love story…

It’s been two damn years since I’ve even touched this blog. I tried it as a hobby, I was getting a lot of anxiety and needed something to distract me from my life. I soon discovered that it was not as much fun as I wanted it to be and I left. Well here I am, one more time, to tell you all a little “love story”.

It was summer 2011. I walked into my best friends house, a little tipsy and goofy, to the sights of a cute boy. I soon found out he was my friends little sister’s boyfriend, so of course I walked away. What’s a girl to do?

Soon after, he messaged me on Facebook. The friendly messages about finding me a boyfriend (I have always been perpetually single, for the record) turned into flirty messages. I knew it was wrong, but I had never gotten this type of attention before from a man. I was 19 years old with nothing holding me back.

Around November, I decided I could not do this anymore. I was going to cut things off. Nothing happened beyond facebook messages, but I felt guilty and stupid. I went to his place to lay my heart on the line, to tell him that yes I liked him but no I could not do this anymore. Not now. Not ever. One thing led to another… and I was screwed for life.

He dumped his girlfriend a few months later and we became “official”. I distanced myself from my best friend (I mean, I did take her sister’s boyfriend..) and focused on my new relationship. Fast forward two years later. We had two years of bumps and bruises, love and smiles. We fought, broke up, made up, loved. It was like a real life The Notebook. I graduated college, took him to my senior formal and graduation, prepared for post-grad life with him. Winter 2014, I learn from one of my best friends from college that he cheated on me. He cheated on me?! Is this real life? Turns out, he made out and had a sexting relationship with one of my friend’s roommates from college. All my friends knew for months, yet only one had the balls to tell me. I felt like I lost everything. My boyfriend, my best friends, my integrity, my happiness. I swore that we were done.

January, 2015. I caved. He said he was going to therapy and would be more honest and open with me. He’d share his facebook with me and his cellphone and we’d be stronger than ever. I was in love with the guy- 3 years with him and I could not imagine a day without him. I had been so lonely without him in my life, I jumped right back in. I fell even harder. I had my doubts the whole time, and we fought pretty regularly, but I didn’t care. He changed for me. And he really did change. He was less moody, more chatty, came to visit me more (he lived about 45 minutes from me), spent more time with my family. We continued to have our ups and downs, but every day got better and better. I was madly in love with this man.

August 22, 2016. I just got back from vacation with him to Rhode Island and Mystic, CT. It was magical. We laughed, we played, we enjoyed each other’s company 100%. He made me smile and spoiled me like the princess I know I am. I was on cloud 9. My aunt had sent me a message on facebook, and it was then that I noticed a couple of unopened messages from strangers sitting on the opposite side of my messenger app. You know the type, guy from Africa claiming to make you his queen, another in a completely different language. I opened the third and there it was: photographs of my boyfriend naked in bed with another woman. She had sent the first message in May, and the photographs in July, but I never got a notification so I never saw them. I read all the messages she sent me, about how they met in 2013 in Disney (he did the college program and so did she) and she was his long distance girlfriend while I was the “backstabbing whore” (Mind you- I was dating him first). The more we got talking, the more I realized that her relationship with him was identical to mine. He said the same words to her, made the same false promises. Promised to move across country to be with her and marry her (yes, he promised me the same, minus moving across country since we already lived near each other).

When I confronted him, he did not deny a thing. “It was a mistake I made three years ago…” Bullshit. He continued the relationship with her so recently that he had just had sex with her a month ago. A MONTH AGO! While I was under the impression that he was “at work”. I couldn’t believe it. Oh, and did I mentioned that she is claiming to be pregnant with his child? I wanted to vomit.

Obviously I ended things. I’m not going to be cheated on three times by the same guy, twice is plenty. I thought he changed. If I have the timeline correctly, he dated all three of us at the same time. Real great guy, huh?

I’m sure there are tons of people out there with love stories like this. Once a cheater, always a cheater. I was warned by many people. I cheated with him, so why did I believe he wouldn’t cheat on me? 4 years of my life are gone, and I cannot stop crying. I can’t eat, I can’t sleep, I don’t want to leave my house. But I still want to talk to him. I miss him. Or who I thought he was. I believed truly that he was my soulmate. I thought we were meant to be. The worst part now is that I am embarrassed to be the stupid girl who believed him when he said he wouldn’t do it again. All my friends were right, and I was blind. I was stupid. I hate being stupid. I hate looking like a fool. I always have my act together, yet I was played.

I’m writing this blog in part to get my emotions out. I need to share this story to help me cope. I also need to hear from my readers. What advice do you have to get through this? Who has been through this before and made it out okay? I truly don’t see myself with anyone else. No one has ever before shown interest in me, and let’s be honest, I’m not the prettiest girl in the world. I’m afraid that no one will ever love me again. How do you move on from this? How do I become the fun loving, spunky girl I was before? How could the most honest person in the world be betrayed like this? I need help, I need advice, I need words of encouragement. I need a friend.

This Blogging BS

Seriously. I just wrote like 2 separate blogs just to trash them because they were so horrible even I didn’t want to read them again.

HOW in the world do you people do this!? I picked up blogging as a hobby- but clearly nothing in my life is interesting enough to write about. I’m not about to spend hours researching and ripping off other people to get followers because I don’t care if this gets read or not… but HOW THE HELL do you know what to write about?

Eh, maybe I’ll figure out something.

Once a cheater….

Prepare to hear the worst love story ever written.

I met my (ex) boyfriend 3 years ago on Black Friday. He was dating my best friends little sister. He pursued me, and I did everything I could to resist, until I just couldn’t say  no anymore. We met up (and hooked up) and began a pseudo relationship all while his real relationship was going on.

Fast forward about 8 months. He dumped the girlfriend. Asked me out. I said no about a million times until, again, I couldn’t resist anymore. I had fallen in love. He swore he would never do what he did to her to me. And I believed him.

Then, just under 3 years of dating, I find out he did it. He cheated on me with my friend’s roommate. (Ready for the kicker- ALL MY FRIENDS KNEW and never told me. They continued passing it along for months until someone had the balls to let me know). He had done it a year ago and lied to me for a year. I was furious. We broke up immediately and I stopped talking to all my friends.

I don’t think I had ever been more depressed in my life. All he did was make-out with her. When he left her car he realized he fucked up and never spoke to her again. I slowly began letting him back into my life. He told me everything- offered to show me messages between them and all. So this is where my readers come in. WHAT WOULD YOU DO, WORLD? He promised to go to couples therapy (and pay for it with his insurance…) and to get sex therapy (because I truly, madly, deeply believe he is a sex addict and cannot say no). I know you don’t know everything about our relationship, but just based on the basics. 3 years of love. 3 years of memories. 3 years of happiness. Do I throw it all away for one mistake? One mistake that he (eventually..) owned up to. One mistake that  he is willing to go to therapy for?

This one mistake has made our communication so much stronger. We talk more than ever and open up to each other on a deeper level. Part of me thinks this mistake changed our relationship for the better. Without it, we would continue on with our superfluous lives, saying we love each other and can work through anything but never actually growing together. So, what would you do?


SO Remember in my first post how I said my Victoria’s Secret Angel Card was getting out of hand? WELL it’s about to get worse. I had two of those secret reward cards (for those of you who don’t know… a few times a year VS will give you a secret reward card which is essentially a gift card that you don’t know the value of until check out) and I went to redeem them. One was $10 and one was $50 (I KNOW, RIGHT!?!?). Naturally I cannot spend them together, so I buy a ton of shit I don’t need with the $50 card online and saved the $10 card (which I ended up spending even more money with in store..) So my total savings was $60 but I spent about $200.

When they shipped my online order, they gave me another damn card! Only $10 but still- money is money! So I spend another $40! AND GUESS WHAT CAME IN THE DAMN MAIL TODAY. That’s right, another $10.

Forever wishing I could combine these suckers instead of doing a million transactions and buying more shit I don’t need.

Word to the wise- don’t get the angel card. Yes, it has amazing perks and gets you great deals, but I find I spend SO much more money than I ever did before! I spend money on things I don’t need just because I have $10 off. It’s INSANE. Someone help- I have a shopping addiction!

Hello, World!

Have you ever read a blog and wondered what the hell is this person doing writing a blog? If the answer is yes, then maybe you should click that big black “back” button and run as fast as you can. I’m not here to gain followers or make money or help people kill time. I’m writing this for me. If you find it and are interested, lucky you! If not, oh well. I’m not here, on a free blogging website, to please you. Try reddit.

Funny story. I’ve been feeling down lately, I’m sure I’ll get around to writing about that eventually, and I decided I needed a hobby. I spent days googling hobbies (I know, pathetic, right!?) and asking people. When I asked a friend, he told me I should try exercising- HA. Like that will happen. (That was my funny story.. I swear it sounded funnier in my head). Most google sites told me to start a blog- so that is what I’m doing. I mean it was either that or find a hobby in sex, and for some reason I don’t think that is the right “hobby” for me.


So I guess I should write something about myself. First and foremost, I will remain anonymous. I also will not be sharing my website with anyone- so again, lucky you if you find it! I am a new teacher- just graduated in May- and already have my first teaching job (lucky me this time, huh?). That is why I chose “Teaching Life Learning Life” as my username. I teach middle schoolers everyday all about life, but here I am, 22 years old, and still learning life myself. I hope one day to get the hang of it, but lately  I seem to be drowning. I am not very good at telling people about myself- especially since I am trying to be anonymous here- so let me list some basic things that you don’t care about that will (hopefully) never help you identify me.

  1. I have an addition to Victoria’s Secret…. my Angel VIP card is getting out of hand.
  2. I drive a manual transmission (I know…. impressive for a 22 year old girl, right?!)
  3. I love dogs and fish.
  4. I could stare at oceanic animals for hours and not get bored.
  5. I have seen almost every episode of Forensic Files that HLN shows (weeknights at 6 for those of you who are interested).
  6. I visited Paris years ago and have since fallen in love with the city of love.
  7. I hate the sound of a fork scraping against a plate.
  8. I am in love with a man who broke my heart into a million pieces.

I am sure at some point I will blog about those 8 things as they are things I am very passionate about. Yet, only time will tell. Until next time.